When you enter a formula in the formula column, the calculation result is displayed.
Calculations and calculations can be copied to the clipboard.
Calculation can be done by attaching a formula stored on the clipboard.
In the case of mathematical expressions containing parentheses, calculate in parenthesis first.
You can also calculate using variables as follows.
Apple = 100
Apple * 5
It corresponds to mathematical functions below.
[Trigonometric function]
Sin (x), cos (x), tan (x)
Arcsin (x), arccos (x), arctan (x)
[square root]
Sqrt (x)
[Common logarithm]
Log (x)
[Natural logarithm]
Ln (x)
[Maximum minimum]
Max (x, y), min (x, y)
[Positive / negative inversion]
Neg (x)
[Absolute value]
Abs (x)
[Decimal point processing]
Floor (x), ceil (x), round (x)